You are able to view, order or email any of your quotes by opening your account drop down and clicking the Quotes link.
Once you are on the quotes tab, click the quote to expand its details.
Converting a Quote
To order a quote, you can select the items in the quote you would like to purchase and hit the Add To Cart button. As long as the quote remains valid (normally for 45 days), you can come back and purchase items from it.
Special Sales Quotes
Sales Quotes that contain special pricing related to the overall order need to be converted by a sales rep. Should you want to order this type of quote, you can click the ORDER button at the end of the line items. This will then allow you to enter a PO # and any notes you may want to add.
Email a Quote
You can email copy of a quote by choosing the EMAIL button on the top right when you are in the detail of the quote.